How to use the Mramoraker-US-Homepage
Last Update:
This version of the homepage replaces the old www.mramorak.us (from 10.Oct.2005).
These pages are intended to give you some information about the history and life of the Mramoraker compatriots who were scattered around the world after 1945.
At the same time it is a retrospective of the life of the Danube Swabian settlers in the BANAT from 1820 to 1945.
The structure of the homepage is simple:
- • If you have clicked on www.mramorak.us, first comes a front page! : Frontpage!
- • You can come to Mramorak by clicking on the pictureMramorak
- • You can also click START immediately. Then a frame opens.
- • MAIN TERMINATIONS Menüleiste are in the upper menu bar. These will take you to different pages.
- • An ABC DIRECTORY(in the top menu bar!) Should help you to select quickly and accurately.
- • The Page-Index summarizes the most important pages.
- If you click this Symbol you will see this page (HILFEN/HELP)!
News - Dates - Events
Mramorak US
((Start of the mramorak.us homepage on November 20, 2002))