[Church - Mramorak]
History of Danub People
In Germany


Mramorak History

Peaceful villages and towns, 2-3 miles apart from each other, spread across the low plains of the Austrian Empire, and later Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia, were the home of Swabian pioneers, who came and built an agricultural paradise.

The Swabians' social lives were constructed around village activities, such as music, singing, and dancing. Since most people were members of a church, the church played a prominent role. Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Kirchweih, and the Harvest were celebrated in grand fashion. German schools assured that all children would receive an education worthy of the times.

Life, however, was not easy. Hard work was the only thing which assured this peaceful coexistence. No one ever thought this peaceful existence would come to an end. The roots were deep, the soil was giving endless wealth, and there was no reason to suspect a disaster. But adversity struck again. World War II demanded not only many lives, but also cost our Swabians their homeland. Those deep-imbedded roots planted by emigrants from Germany and Alsace-Lorainne around 1750 were torn out of the black soil which gave life to our Swabian people for so many years.

Fleeing the oncoming Russian Army and the cruel hands of communism, many of our people headed west toward Austria and Germany by horsedrawn wagons, trains, trucks, or on foot. They arrived in a country torn by air raids, hunger, and lack of shelter. However, the Swabians who remained at home suffered a much worse fate, as many were killed or displaced from their homes. As World War II came to an end, most of the Swabian families were torn apart. They were without sufficient food, clothing, and housing. But most of all, they were homeless.

And so it came that many of our people set out to plant their roots once again in hope of establishing a peaceful existence. Tied together by pride, tradition, faith, and the need to be socially close to one another, the MRAMORAK PEOPLE started to meet every year for their Churchfestivals.

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